Bye fear, hello blog

Posted 19 January, 2020 - 1 min read


I am no philosopher. I am no writer. Heck, I am not a good communicator at all.
I tremble before an audience. I tremble typing in my keyboard thinking of what people I don't even known would think of what I am writing. I'm a coward.
But I don't want to die one.
I think the writing proccess of a blog post is somewhat analogous to the process for delivering software.
If you enter the blackhole for the perfect software, which will harness the lowest bugs possible, might take a lot of the project budget. If it's not a SLA heavy feature, why would you spend so many hours just trying to get rid of that if statement?
I know why: Fear
Fear of people's judgment when they review your code.
Fear of people questioning and criticizing your design decisions.
Fear of the complexity that a simple and innocent if statement would cause for the next extension/maintaince
Fear of that not being the best abstraction/implementation of the feature.
And writing gives me the same Fear:
Fear of people judging your writing skills
Fear of people disapproval of your opinions
Fear of writing something wrong
Fear of that writing not being even close to the best about the subject
Fear is a feeling of self preservation, why fight against it?
That's simple, unless you live under a rock, eventually you'll have to face those fears.
Why not while doing something you love? Building things and sharing knowledge?

What's next?

Ok, now that I somehow conviced myself with that crap pep talk, I'll try to post something everytime I learn something or whenever a milestone in my life is achieved.